Vermilion Chiropractor | Oberlin Chiropractor
Dr. David Miklos
I wish I had known then what I know now…, but I was easily influenced by “mainstream” thinking.

Dr. David Miklos
I attended Baldwin-Wallace College and received a BS in Chemistry. After undergraduate, I attended the National University of Health Sciences, formerly the National College of Chiropractic just outside of Chicago. While at National I received a BS in Human Biology and my Doctor of Chiropractic degree. I chose National because of the schools strong roots in science and its reputation in producing well rounded physicians.
Dr. David Miklos, a chiropractic physician from the Miklos Center for Health and Wellness is excited to announce 8 years of service to the Vermilion community. Dr. Miklos’ clinic utilizes a variety of non-invasive treatments and procedures, based on long-standing principles of alternative medicine, acupuncture, and chiropractic treatment.
Revolutionary New Chiropractic Treatments
Dr. Miklos’ office is state-of-the-art and offers revolutionary new chiropractic treatments that are painless and extremely effective with the ProAdjuster instrument. If you’ve ever “tensed up” in anticipation of an impending physical event, you’re the perfect candidate for the ProAdjuster approach. Because the gentle tapping is quick and you don’t feel vulnerable, you can relax and enjoy the process. His patients love it!
Passionate about Preventative Medicine
In addition to chiropractic services, Dr. Miklos is passionate about preventative medicine and nutritional therapy and is happy to develop customized nutritional programs for each patient’s individual health needs based upon their unique biochemistry utilizing blood, stool and saliva hormone testing.
Certified in Acupuncture
Recently, Dr. Miklos has become certified to practice acupuncture. Acupuncture is an ancient, non-medical technique used to treat and relieve chronic pain. It is the oldest natural healing method known to man. For more than 2000 years, Asian cultures have depended upon the skilled application of acupuncture as treatment and a preventative for a variety of conditions as well as a means of enhancing the body’s recuperative power and immunity.
Therapeutic & Relaxation Massage
Dr. Miklos also has a full time massage therapist on staff and is available to the general public for both therapeutic and relaxation massage. Massage therapy is a hands-on manipulation of the soft tissues of the body including muscles, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments and joints designed to alleviate discomfort associated with everyday occupational stresses, muscular overuse and many chronic pain syndromes. It can also greatly reduce the development of painful muscular patterning, if employed early enough after accidents involving trauma and injury.
Accepting New Patients
Dr. Miklos is currently accepting new patients in Vermilion at 4550 Liberty Ave., or in Oberlin at 13 South Main St, 2nd Floor. You can reach his offices at 440-967-5545 or 440-775-0602.